My top 3 basketball products on the market today (Recommended Products)

    There are a lot of very good basketball products that you can buy either online or in specific sports stores. There are numerous out on the market, but there are three specific ones that I will discuss in this article that I believe are the most beneficial in helping improve your basketball skills. These products include the ball hog gloves, the D man, and small disc cones. Each of these products helps your game in a different way, but they are all beneficial in their own ways. I seriously recommend giving these a buy if you want to see your basketball skills improve and start seeing some results in your game. These products are ones I use for my players and I see the results in them from using these products.

    The first product I am going to analyze is the ball hog gloves. Now, you might be asking me what on earth those are. Well, these gloves look almost like thick winter gloves. They are designed specifically so you do not have your natural feel for the ball. It makes you feel uncomfortable because you feel as if you have no control over the ball or where it is going which can be a scary and weird feeling. This is very beneficial because it makes your hands and fingers work harder than normal and develop the strength and coordination needed for when you dribble the ball normally without the gloves on. I am not sure if any of you have ever tried dribbling a basketball with big winter gloves, but if you have not, all I will say is it is very difficult and something that is also very frustrating. The first time I did it, I could not keep the ball close to my body as I kept dribbling it off my foot or just simply losing control of it and it bouncing away from me. What I will say though is after using the gloves for ten to fifteen minutes to start my workout, I have never been more comfortable dribbling a basketball after taking them off. I felt as if I had the ball on a string and I was never going to lose it. I like to put my players through this if I feel like they are getting too confident dribbling without them. It humbles them a little bit and shows them they still have a ways to go to continue to get better. These gloves are super beneficial if you are looking to improve upon your ball handling skills and take that part of your game to the next level.

    The next product I recommend using to help improve your game is the D man. The D man is essentially a hands up portable mannequin that can help you with ball handling and shooting. This product is mostly designed to help out with shooting and making sure you are able to get your shots over the defenders high hands. When shooting the ball, making sure you get enough arc on your shot and are shooting it high enough is a must. If a shot does not have enough arc on it, not only will it have a smaller percentage of going in, but it will also have a higher chance of being blocked when it leaves your hand. The D man can help with shots from all over the court whether it be close shots around the rim or longer shots at the three point line and everything in between. The D man is portable, so you can take it to the gym with you or if you have a hoop right outside your house or a park nearby it can be placed there too. This is personally my favorite shooting product to use because it emphasizes the need for arc on the shot which is what gives it a higher chance of it going in. 

    The final product I suggest potentially buying is some small disc cones. Disc cones are just those small circular like cones that soccer players will use a lot of times. Disc cones have so many uses which is the reason I like to use them for my players in their workouts. They can be used to help with ball handling and making game-like moves within a workout session. You can set them up in a zig zag way performing a different move at each individual cone simulating blowing by your defender or they can also be used to pick them up and set them back down. Doing this is a difficult multi tasking ball handling drill that emphasizes focus. When you are in the game, you do not think about dribbling as it should just come naturally. By doing this drill, you have to multitask between dribbling and picking up and setting down the cones as you have to be able to multitask between dribbling and reading the defense within the game. They can also be used to work on your agility or run through some different defensive drills to help out with quickness and agility. Disc cones are a necessity for me because they are so versatile in the different ways they can be used on the basketball court. If you are looking to improve upon your game in every aspect, disc cones are a must have.

    Basketball products are becoming increasingly better each and every year. The design of the products has continued to improve thus helping the players get better as well. Each of the products I discussed has their own way of making you a better player whether that be the ball hog gloves helping to improve upon your ball handling skills making sure you can get strength and coordination in your fingers and hands, the D man forcing you to get enough arc on your shot so it won’t be blocked, or the disc cones which provide a numerous amount of things you can do to get better. These are the three products I recommend if you are serious about getting better at basketball and ones that I use throughout my workout sessions with my players.

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